Version: develop

一个新的 UI 系统:GGUI

操作系统Windows / Linux / Mac OS X
后端x64 / CUDA / Vulkan

从 v0.8.0开始,Taichi 添加了一个新的 GGUI系统。 新的 GUI 系统使用 GPU 进行渲染,使得 3 维场景的渲染更快。 这就是为什么这一新系统被命名为 GGUI。 本文档将介绍其提供的 API。


如果你选择 Vulkan 作为后端, 确保你已经 install the Vulkan environment.


我们推荐您通过 examples/ggui_examples 提供的示例熟悉 GGUI


The variables referenced in code snippets below are define like this:

vertices         = ti.Vector.field(2, ti.f32, shape=200)
vertices_3d = ti.Vector.field(3, ti.f32, shape=200)
indices = ti.field(ti.i32, shape=200 * 3)
normals = ti.Vector.field(3, ti.f32, shape=200)
per_vertex_color = ti.Vector.field(3, ti.f32, shape=200)

color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)


ti.ui.Window(name, res) 可以创建一个窗口。

window = ti.ui.Window(name='Window Title', res = (640, 360), fps_limit=200, pos = (150, 150))
  • The name parameter sets the title of the window.
  • The res parameter specifies the resolution (width and height) of the window.
  • The fps_limit parameter sets the maximum frames per second (FPS) for the window.
  • The pos parameter specifies the position of the window with respect to the top-left corner of the main screen.

A ti.ui.Window can display three types of objects:

  • 2D Canvas, which is used to draw simple 2D geometries like circles and triangles.+ 3D Scene, which is used to render 3D meshes and particles, and provides configurable camera and light sources.
  • Immediate mode GUI components, such as buttons and textboxes.

2D 画布


以下代码获取了一个覆盖整个窗口的 Canvas 对象。

canvas = window.get_canvas()


canvas.triangles(vertices, color, indices, per_vertex_color)

radius = 5
canvas.circles(vertices, radius, color, per_vertex_color)

width = 2
canvas.lines(vertices, width, indices, color, per_vertex_color)

参数 vertices, indices, per_vertex_color, 和 image 必须是 Taichi field。 如果提供了 per_vertex_colorcolor 将会被忽略。

画布中几何图案的位置/中心的相对位置以在 0.01.0 之间的浮点数表示。 对于 circles() and lines()radiuswidth 参数都是窗口高度的相对值。

画布在每帧后被清空。 务必在渲染循环中调用这些方法。

3D 场景


scene = window.get_scene()


camera = ti.ui.Camera()
camera.position(1, 2, 3) # x, y, z
camera.lookat(4, 5, 6)
camera.up(0, 1, 0)



调用 point_light() 将点光源添加到场景中。

scene.point_light(pos=(1, 2, 3), color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))

请注意,你需要为每一帧调用 point_light() 方法。 与 canvas() 方法类似,请在你的渲染循环中调用该方法。

3D 几何图形

scene.lines(vertices, width, indices, color, per_vertex_color)
scene.mesh(vertices_3d, indices, normals, color, per_vertex_color)
scene.particles(vertices_3d, radius, color, per_vertex_color)

参数 vertices, indices, per_vertex_colorimage 都被设计为 Taichi fields 类型。 如果提供了 per_vertex_colorcolor 将会被忽略。



If a mesh has num triangles, the indices should be a 1D scalar field with a shape (num * 3), not a vector field.

normalsscene.mesh() 的一个可选参数。

  1. An example of drawing 3d-lines
import taichi as ti


N = 10

particles_pos = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype=ti.f32, shape = N)
points_pos = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype=ti.f32, shape = N)

def init_points_pos(points : ti.template()):
for i in range(points.shape[0]):
points[i] = [i for j in ti.static(range(3))]


window = ti.ui.Window("Test for Drawing 3d-lines", (768, 768))
canvas = window.get_canvas()
scene = window.get_scene()
camera = ti.ui.Camera()
camera.position(5, 2, 2)

while window.running:
camera.track_user_inputs(window, movement_speed=0.03, hold_key=ti.ui.RMB)
scene.ambient_light((0.8, 0.8, 0.8))
scene.point_light(pos=(0.5, 1.5, 1.5), color=(1, 1, 1))

scene.particles(particles_pos, color = (0.68, 0.26, 0.19), radius = 0.1)
# Draw 3d-lines in the scene
scene.lines(points_pos, color = (0.28, 0.68, 0.99), width = 5.0)

Advanced 3d Geometries

window = ti.ui.Window(name='Advanced 3d Geometries', res = (720, 720))
scene = window.get_scene()
width = 2
radius = 5

scene.lines(vertices, width, indices, color, per_vertex_color, vertex_offset=0, vertex_count=10, index_offset=0, index_count=10)

scene.mesh(vertices_3d, indices, normals, color, per_vertex_color, vertex_offset=0, vertex_count=10, index_offset=0, index_count=10, show_wireframe=True)

scene.particles(vertices_3d, radius, color, per_vertex_color, index_offset=0, index_count=10)

scene.mesh_instance(vertices_3d, indices, normals, color, per_vertex_color, vertex_offset=0, vertex_count=10, index_offset=0, index_count=10, show_wireframe=True)

The additional arguments vertex_offset, vertex_count, index_offset and index_count control the visible part of the particles and mesh. For the mesh() and mesh_instance() methods, set whether to show wireframe mode through setting show_wireframe.


  1. Example of drawing a part of the mesh/particles
scene = window.get_scene()

center = ti.Vector.field(3, ti.f32, shape=10)

# For particles
# draw the 2-th to 7-th particles
scene.particles(center, radius=1, index_offset = 1, index_count = 6)

# For mesh
# 1. with indices
vertices_3d, indices, index_offset=1, index_count=3,
# vertex_offset is set to 0 by default, and it is not necessary
# to assign vertex_offset a value that otherwise you must.
vertex_offset = 1

# usually used as below:
# draw the 11-th to 111-th mesh vertexes
scene.mesh(vertices_3d, indices, index_offset=10, index_count=100)

# 2. without indices (similar to the particles' example above)
vertex_offset=2, # user defined first vertex index
vertex_count=3, # user defined vertex count
  1. An example of drawing part of lines
import taichi as ti


N = 10

particles_pos = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype=ti.f32, shape = N)
points_pos = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype=ti.f32, shape = N)
points_indices = ti.Vector.field(1, dtype=ti.i32, shape = N)

def init_points_pos(points : ti.template()):
for i in range(points.shape[0]):
points[i] = [i for j in range(3)]
# points[i] = [ti.sin(i * 1.0), i * 0.2, ti.cos(i * 1.0)]

def init_points_indices(points_indices : ti.template()):
for i in range(N):
points_indices[i][0] = i // 2 + i % 2


window = ti.ui.Window("Test for Drawing 3d-lines", (768, 768))
canvas = window.get_canvas()
scene = window.get_scene()
camera = ti.ui.Camera()
camera.position(5, 2, 2)

while window.running:
camera.track_user_inputs(window, movement_speed=0.03, hold_key=ti.ui.RMB)
scene.ambient_light((0.8, 0.8, 0.8))
scene.point_light(pos=(0.5, 1.5, 1.5), color=(1, 1, 1))

scene.particles(particles_pos, color = (0.68, 0.26, 0.19), radius = 0.1)
# Here you will get visible part from the 3rd point with (N - 4) points.
scene.lines(points_pos, color = (0.28, 0.68, 0.99), width = 5.0, vertex_count = N - 4, vertex_offset = 2)
# Using indices to indicate which vertex to use
# scene.lines(points_pos, color = (0.28, 0.68, 0.99), width = 5.0, indices = points_indices)
# Case 1, vertex_count will be changed to N - 2 when drawing.
# scene.lines(points_pos, color = (0.28, 0.68, 0.99), width = 5.0, vertex_count = N - 1, vertex_offset = 0)
# Case 2, vertex_count will be changed to N - 2 when drawing.
# scene.lines(points_pos, color = (0.28, 0.68, 0.99), width = 5.0, vertex_count = N, vertex_offset = 2)
  1. Details of mesh instancing
window = ti.ui.Window("Display Instanced Mesh", (1024, 1024))
scene = window.get_scene()

num_instance = 100
m_transforms = ti.Matrix.field(4, 4, dtype = ti.f32, shape = num_instance)

# For example: An object is scaled by 2, rotated by rotMat, and translated by t = [1, 2, 3], then
# The ScaleMatrix is:
# 2, 0, 0, 0
# 0, 2, 0, 0
# 0, 0, 2, 0
# 0, 0, 0, 1
# The RotationMatrix is:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix#General_rotations
# The TranslationMatrix is:
# 1, 0, 0, 1
# 0, 1, 0, 2
# 0, 0, 1, 3
# 0, 0, 0, 1
# Let TransformMatrix = TranslationMatrix @ RotationMatrix @ ScaleMatrix, then the final TransformMatrix is:
# 2 * rotMat00, rotMat01, rotMat02, 1
# rotMat10, 2 * rotMat11, rotMat12, 2
# rotMat20, rotMat21, 2 * rotMat22, 3
# 0, 0, 0, 1

# Draw mesh instances (from the 1st instance)
scene.mesh_instance(vertices_3d, indices, transforms = m_transforms, instance_offset = 1)
  1. Example of setting wireframe mode
window = ti.ui.Window("Display Mesh", (1024, 1024), vsync=True)
canvas = window.get_canvas()
scene = window.get_scene()
camera = ti.ui.Camera()

# slider_int usage
some_int_type_value = 0
def show_options():
global some_int_type_value

window.GUI.begin("Display Panel", 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.15)
display_mode = window.GUI.slider_int("Value Range", some_int_type_value, 0, 5)

while window.running:

# if to show wireframe
scene.mesh_instance(vertices_3d, indices, instance_count = 100 , show_wireframe = True)


If indices is not provided, consider using like this:

scene = window.get_scene()
scene.mesh(vertices_3d, normals, color, per_vertex_color, vertex_offset=0, vertex_count=50, show_wireframe=True)

If indices is provided, consider using like this:

scene.mesh(vertices_3d, indices, normals, color, per_vertex_color, vertex_offset=0, index_offset=0, index_count=50, show_wireframe=True)



window = ti.ui.Window(name='Title', res=(640, 360))
canvas = window.get_canvas()

Fetching Color/Depth information

img = window.get_image_buffer_as_numpy()
depth = window.get_depth_buffer_as_numpy()

After rendering the current scene, you can fetch the color and depth information of the current scene using get_image_buffer_as_numpy() and get_depth_buffer_as_numpy(), which copy the gpu data to a NumPy array(cpu). get_depth_buffer() copies the GPU data to a Taichi field (depend on the arch you choose) or copies data from GPU to GPU.


  1. Example of fetching color information
window = ti.ui.Window("Test for getting image buffer from ggui", (768, 768), vsync=True)
video_manager = ti.tools.VideoManager("OutputDir")

while window.running:
# render_scene()
img = window.get_image_buffer_as_numpy()

video_manager.make_video(gif=True, mp4=True)
  1. An example of fetching the depth data
window_shape = (720, 1080)
window = ti.ui.Window("Test for copy depth data", window_shape)
canvas = window.get_canvas()
scene = window.get_scene()
camera = ti.ui.Camera()

# Get the shape of the window
w, h = window.get_window_shape()
# The field/ndarray stores the depth information, and must be of the ti.f32 data type and have a 2d shape.
# or, in other words, the shape must equal the window's shape
scene_depth = ti.ndarray(ti.f32, shape = (w, h))
# scene_depth = ti.field(ti.f32, shape = (w, h))

while window.running:
# render()

GUI 组件

GGUI 的 GUI 组件设计遵循 Dear ImGui API。

window = ti.ui.Window("Test for GUI", res=(512, 512))
gui = window.get_gui()
value = 0
color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
with gui.sub_window("Sub Window", x=10, y=10, width=300, height=100):
is_clicked = gui.button("name")
value = gui.slider_float("name1", value, minimum=0, maximum=100)
color = gui.color_edit_3("name2", color)


调用 show() 来显示一个窗口。


Call this method only at the end of the render loop for each frame.



events = window.get_events()

events 中每一个 eventti.ui.Event 的一个实例。 它支持如下属性:

  • event.action, 可以是 ti.ui.PRESS, ti.ui.RELEASE, 或 ti.ui.MOTI
  • event.key: 与此事件相关的键。


  • window.get_cursor_pos()


  • window.is_pressed(key)

以下是一个来自 mpm128 的用户输入处理的示例:

gravity = ti.Vector.field(2, ti.f32, shape=())
attractor_strength = ti.field(ti.f32, shape=())

while window.running:
# keyboard event processing
if window.get_event(ti.ui.PRESS):
if window.event.key == 'r': reset()
elif window.event.key in [ti.ui.ESCAPE]: break
if window.event is not None: gravity[None] = [0, 0] # if had any event
if window.is_pressed(ti.ui.LEFT, 'a'): gravity[None][0] = -1
if window.is_pressed(ti.ui.RIGHT, 'd'): gravity[None][0] = 1
if window.is_pressed(ti.ui.UP, 'w'): gravity[None][1] = 1
if window.is_pressed(ti.ui.DOWN, 's'): gravity[None][1] = -1

# mouse event processing
mouse = window.get_cursor_pos()
# ...
if window.is_pressed(ti.ui.LMB):
attractor_strength[None] = 1
if window.is_pressed(ti.ui.RMB):
attractor_strength[None] = -1


图像 I/O



Note that you must call window.save_image() before calling window.show().


GGUI 支持在不显示窗口的情况下保存图像帧。 这也被称为“无头”渲染。 如需启用此模式,请在初始化窗口时将参数 show_window 设置为 False

window = ti.ui.Window('Window Title', (640, 360), show_window = False)

Then you can call window.save_image() as normal and remove the window.show() call at the end.