Version: develop



可微编程已在多个不同的领域被证明非常的有用,如科学计算和人工智能等领域。 比如,对于控制器优化系统而言,配备可微仿真器的系统比使用无模型强化学习算法的系统收敛速度快 1 ~ 4 个数量级12

Suppose you have the following kernel:

x = ti.field(float, ())
y = ti.field(float, ())

def compute_y():
y[None] = ti.sin(x[None])

Now if you want to get the derivative of y with respect to x: dy/dx, it is straightforward to write out the gradient kernel manually:

x = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=())
y = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=())
dy_dx = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=())

def compute_dy_dx():
dy_dx[None] = ti.cos(x[None])

However, as you make a change to compute_y, you have to rework the gradient formula by hand and update compute_dy_dx accordingly. 很明显,当内核变得越来越大并且需要经常更改时,这个手动的工作流程是非常容易出错并且难以维护的。

If you run into this situation, Taichi's handy automatic differentiation (autodiff) system comes to your rescue! Taichi supports gradient evaluation through either ti.ad.Tape() or the more flexible kernel.grad() syntax.

Using ti.ad.Tape()

我们仍使用上面的 compute_y 内核作为例子。 Using ti.ad.Tape() is the easiest way to obtain a kernel that computes dy/dx:

  1. 在声明需要求导的场时,启用 needs_grad=True 选项。
  2. Use context manager with ti.ad.Tape(y): to capture the kernel invocations which you want to automatically differentiate.
  3. 这样 dy/dx 在当前 x 下的值就可以通过 x.grad[None] 来获取。

The following code snippet explains the steps above:

x = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(), needs_grad=True)
y = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(), needs_grad=True)

def compute_y():
y[None] = ti.sin(x[None])

with ti.ad.Tape(y):

print('dy/dx =', x.grad[None], ' at x =', x[None])


A common problem in physical simulation is that it is usually easy to compute energy but hard to compute force on every particle, for example Bond bending (and torsion) in molecular dynamics and FEM with hyperelastic energy functions. 我们知道我们可以通过微分(负)势能来得到力:F_i = -dU / dx_i。 所以只要你写一个可以计算势能的内核,你就能使用 Taichi 的自动微分系统来获取导数,以及每个粒子上的 F_i

Taking examples/simulation/ad_gravity.py as an example:

import taichi as ti

N = 8
dt = 1e-5

x = ti.Vector.field(2, dtype=ti.f32, shape=N, needs_grad=True) # particle positions
v = ti.Vector.field(2, dtype=ti.f32, shape=N) # particle velocities
U = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(), needs_grad=True) # potential energy

def compute_U():
for i, j in ti.ndrange(N, N):
r = x[i] - x[j]
# r.norm(1e-3) is equivalent to ti.sqrt(r.norm()**2 + 1e-3)
# This is to prevent 1/0 error which can cause wrong derivative
U[None] += -1 / r.norm(1e-3) # U += -1 / |r|

def advance():
for i in x:
v[i] += dt * -x.grad[i] # dv/dt = -dU/dx
for i in x:
x[i] += dt * v[i] # dx/dt = v

def substep():
with ti.ad.Tape(loss=U):
# Kernel invocations in this scope will later contribute to partial derivatives of
# U with respect to input variables such as x.
) # 这里会自动计算 dU/dx 并将结果存储在 x.grad 中

def init():
for i in x:
x[i] = [ti.random(), ti.random()]

gui = ti.GUI('Autodiff gravity')
while gui.running:
for i in range(50):
gui.circles(x.to_numpy(), radius=3)

The argument U to ti.ad.Tape(U) must be a 0D field.

To use autodiff with multiple output variables, see the kernel.grad() usage below.


ti.ad.Tape(U) automatically sets U[None] to 0 on start up.

::: tip 使用基于自动微分的 质点法 和 有限元法 力估计案例: 请参阅 examples/mpm_lagrangian_forces.pyexamples/simulation/fem99.py :::

使用 kernel.grad()

As mentioned above, ti.ad.Tape() can only track a 0D field as the output variable. If there are multiple output variables that you want to back-propagate gradients to inputs, call kernel.grad() instead of ti.ad.Tape(). Different from using ti.ad.Tape(), you need to set the grad of the output variables themselves to 1 manually before calling kernel.grad(). The reason is that the grad of the output variables themselves will always be multiplied to the grad with respect to the inputs at the end of the back-propagation. By calling ti.ad.Tape(), you have the program do this under the hood.

import taichi as ti

N = 16

x = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=N, needs_grad=True)
loss = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(), needs_grad=True)
loss2 = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(), needs_grad=True)

def func():
for i in x:
loss[None] += x[i] ** 2
loss2[None] += x[i]

for i in range(N):
x[i] = i

# Set the `grad` of the output variables to `1` before calling `func.grad()`.
loss.grad[None] = 1
loss2.grad[None] = 1

for i in range(N):
assert x.grad[i] == i * 2 + 1

It may be tedius to write out need_grad=True for every input in a complicated use case. 相应地,Taichi 提供了一个 API ti.root.lazy_grad() 可以自动将梯度场放置在原始场的布局之后。


When using kernel.grad(), it is recommended that you always run forward kernel before backward, for example kernel(); kernel.grad(). If global fields used in the derivative calculation get mutated in the forward run, skipping kernel() breaks global data access rule #1 below and may produce incorrect gradients.

Taichi 自动微分系统的局限性

Unlike tools such as TensorFlow where immutable output buffers are generated, the imperative programming paradigm adopted by Taichi allows programmers to freely modify global fields.



Currently Taichi's autodiff implementation does not save intermediate results of global fields which might be used in the backward pass. 因此,从全局区读取数据进行修改数据是禁止的。


全局数据访问原则 #1 一旦你读取了域中的一个元素,这个元素就再也不能被修改。

import taichi as ti

N = 16

x = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=N, needs_grad=True)
loss = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(), needs_grad=True)
b = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(), needs_grad=True)

def func_broke_rule_1():
# 错误: 违反规则 #1, 修改完成之前读取全局区数据。
loss[None] = x[1] * b[None]
b[None] += 100

def func_equivalent():
loss[None] = x[1] * 10

for i in range(N):
x[i] = i
b[None] = 10
loss.grad[None] = 1

with ti.ad.Tape(loss):
# Call func_equivalent to see the correct result
# with ti.ad.Tape(loss):
# func_equivalent()

assert x.grad[1] == 10.0

全局数据访问原则 #2 如果一个全局区元素被复写,那么从第二次开始,写入操作 必须使用原子加法操作(“累加”,使用 ti.atomic_add 或简单的 +=)。 虽然 += 违反了以上规则#1 ,因为它在计算求和之前读取了旧数值, 但它是Taichi在自动微分系统中允许的“修改前读取”的唯一特殊情况。

import taichi as ti

N = 16

x = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=N, needs_grad=True)
loss = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(), needs_grad=True)

def func_break_rule_2():
loss[None] += x[1] ** 2
# Bad: broke global data access rule #2, it's not an atomic_add.
loss[None] *= x[2]

def func_equivalent():
loss[None] = (2 + x[1] ** 2) * x[2]

for i in range(N):
x[i] = i
loss.grad[None] = 1
loss[None] = 2

# 调用 func_equivalent 查看正确结果
# func_equivalent()
# func_equivalent.grad()
assert x.grad[1] == 4.0
assert x.grad[2] == 3.0

Global data access rule violation checker

A checker is provided for detecting potential violations of global data access rules.

  1. The checker only works in debug mode. To enable it, set debug=True when calling ti.init().
  2. Set validation=True when using ti.ad.Tape() to validate the kernels captured by ti.ad.Tape(). The checker pinpoints the line of code breaking the rules, if a violation occurs.


import taichi as ti

N = 5
x = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=N, needs_grad=True)
loss = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(), needs_grad=True)
b = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(), needs_grad=True)

def func_1():
for i in range(N):
loss[None] += x[i] * b[None]

def func_2():
b[None] += 100

b[None] = 10
with ti.ad.Tape(loss, validation=True):

(kernel=func_2_c78_0) Breaks the global data access rule. Snode S10 is overwritten unexpectedly.
File "across_kernel.py", line 16, in func_2:
b[None] += 100

Avoid mixed usage of parallel for-loop and non-for statements

Mixed usage of parallel for-loops and non-for statements are not supported in the autodiff system. Please split the two kinds of statements into different kernels.


Kernel body must only consist of either multiple for-loops or non-for statements.


def differentiable_task():
# Bad: mixed usage of a parallel for-loop and a statement without looping. Please split them into two kernels.
loss[None] += x[0]
for i in range(10):

Violation of this rule results in an error.


Violation of rules above might result in incorrect gradient result without a proper error. We're actively working on improving the error reporting mechanism for it. Please feel free to open a github issue if you see any silent wrong results.

Write differentiable code inside a Taichi kernel

Taichi's compiler only captures the code in the Taichi scope when performing the source code transformation for autodiff. Therefore, only the code written in Taichi scope is auto-differentiated. Although you can modify the grad of a field in python scope manually, the code is not auto-differentiated.


import taichi as ti

x = ti.field(dtype=float, shape=(), needs_grad=True)
loss = ti.field(dtype=float, shape=(), needs_grad=True)

def differentiable_task():
for l in range(3):
loss[None] += ti.sin(x[None]) + 1.0

def manipulation_in_kernel():
loss[None] += ti.sin(x[None]) + 1.0

x[None] = 0.0
with ti.ad.Tape(loss=loss):
# The line below in python scope only contribute to the forward pass
# but not the backward pass i.e., not auto-differentiated.
loss[None] += ti.sin(x[None]) + 1.0

# Code in Taichi scope i.e. inside Taichi kernels, is auto-differentiated.

# The outputs are 5.0 and 4.0
print(loss[None], x.grad[None])

# You can modify the grad of a field manually in python scope, e.g., clear the grad.
x.grad[None] = 0.0
# The output is 0.0


Sometimes user may want to override the gradients provided by the Taichi autodiff system. For example, when differentiating a 3D singular value decomposition (SVD) used in an iterative solver, it is preferred to use a manually engineered SVD derivative subroutine for better numerical stability. Taichi provides two decorators ti.ad.grad_replaced and ti.ad.grad_for to overwrite the default automatic differentiation behavior.

The following is a simple example to use customized gradient function in autodiff:

import taichi as ti

x = ti.field(ti.f32)
total = ti.field(ti.f32)
n = 128
ti.root.dense(ti.i, n).place(x)

def func(mul: ti.f32):
for i in range(n):
ti.atomic_add(total[None], x[i] * mul)

def forward(mul):

def backward(mul):

with ti.ad.Tape(loss=total):

assert x.grad[0] == 4

Customized gradient function works with both ti.ad.Tape() and kernel.grad(). More examples can be found at test_customized_grad.py.


Another use case of customized gradient function is checkpointing. We can use recomputation to save memory space through a user-defined gradient function. diffmpm.py demonstrates that by defining a customized gradient function that recomputes the grid states during backward, we can reuse the grid states and allocate only one copy compared to O(n) copies in a native implementation without customized gradient function.


The DiffTaichi repo contains 10 differentiable physical simulators built with Taichi differentiable programming. A few examples with neural network controllers optimized using differentiable simulators and brute-force gradient descent:





Check out the DiffTaichi paper and video to learn more about Taichi differentiable programming.

Forward-Mode Autodiff

Automatic differentiation (Autodiff) has two modes, reverse mode and forward mode.

  • Reverse mode computes Vector-Jacobian Product (VJP), which means computing one row of the Jacobian matrix at a time. Therefore, reverse mode is more efficient for functions, which have more inputs than outputs. ti.ad.Tape() and kernel.grad() are for reverse-mode autodiff.
  • Forward mode computes Jacobian-Vector Product (JVP), which means computing one column of the Jacobian matrix at a time. Therefore, forward mode is more efficient for functions, which have more outputs than inputs. As of v1.1.0, Taichi supports forward-mode autodiff. ti.ad.FwdMode() and ti.root.lazy_dual() are for forward-mode autodiff.

Using ti.ad.FwdMode()

The usage of ti.ad.FwdMode() is similar to that of ti.ad.Tape(). Here we reuse the example for reverse mode above for ti.ad.FwdMode().

  1. Set needs_dual=True when declaring fields involved in a derivative chain.

    The dual here indicates dual number in math. This is because forward-mode autodiff is equivalent to evaluating a function with dual numbers.

  2. Use context manager with ti.ad.FwdMode(loss=y, param=x) to capture the kernel invocations to automatically differentiate.

    Now dy/dx value at the current x is available at function output y.dual[None].

The following code snippet explains the steps above:

import taichi as ti

x = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(), needs_dual=True)
y = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(), needs_dual=True)

def compute_y():
y[None] = ti.sin(x[None])

# `loss`: The function's output
# `param`: The input of the function
with ti.ad.FwdMode(loss=y, param=x):

print('dy/dx =', y.dual[None], ' at x =', x[None])

ti.ad.FwdMode() automatically clears the dual field of loss.

ti.ad.FwdMode() supports multiple inputs and outputs:

  • param can be an N-D field.
  • loss can be an individual N-D field or a list of N-D fields.
  • seed is the 'vector' in Jacobian-vector product, which controls the parameter that is computed derivative with respect to. seed is required if param is not a scalar field.

The following code snippet shows another two cases with multiple inputs and outputs: With seed=[1.0, 0.0]or seed=[0.0, 1.0] , we can compute derivatives solely with respect to x_0 or x_1.

import taichi as ti
N_param = 2
N_loss = 5
x = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=N_param, needs_dual=True)
y = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=N_loss, needs_dual=True)

def compute_y():
for i in range(N_loss):
for j in range(N_param):
y[i] += i * ti.sin(x[j])

# Compute derivatives with respect to x_0
# `seed` is required if `param` is not a scalar field
with ti.ad.FwdMode(loss=y, param=x, seed=[1.0, 0.0]):
print('dy/dx_0 =', y.dual, ' at x_0 =', x[0])

# Compute derivatives with respect to x_1
# `seed` is required if `param` is not a scalar field
with ti.ad.FwdMode(loss=y, param=x, seed=[0.0, 1.0]):
print('dy/dx_1 =', y.dual, ' at x_1 =', x[1])

Just as reverse-mode autodiff, Taichi's forward-mode autodiff provides ti.root.lazy_dual(), which automatically places the dual fields following the layout of their primal fields.