Taichi Blogs
How does Taichi Compare to CUB/CuPy/Numba in Numerical Computation?
October 25, 2022 | Qian Bao, Haidong Lan
In the previous blog, we learned that Taichi, a high-performance computing language embedded in Python, goes beyond a development tool for computer graphics and renderers but also comes in handy for numerical computation that involves massive operations on 2D and 3D arrays. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a typical scenario where Taichi can play a part.
Accelerate Python code 100x by import taichi as ti
August 23, 2022 | Yuanming Hu
Python has become the most popular language in many rapidly evolving sectors, such as deep learning and data sciences. Yet its easy readability comes at the cost of performance. Of course, we all complain about program performance from time to time, and Python should certainly not take all the blame. Still, it's fair to say that Python's nature as an interpreted language does not help, especially in computation-intensive scenarios (e.g., when there are multiple nested for loops).
Is Taichi Lang comparable to or even faster than CUDA?
May 6, 2022 | Haidong Lan
In our recently published blog Is Taichi Lang able to make better use of the underlying hardware than other native, low-level programming languages? With this question in mind, we kick-started the benchmark project in an attempt to provide a comprehensive and accurate performance evaluation of Taichi Lang.
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