

class taichi.ui.gui.GUI(name='Taichi', res=512, background_color=0, show_gui=True, fullscreen=False, fast_gui=False)#

Taichi Graphical User Interface class.

  • name (str, optional) – The name of the GUI to be constructed. Default is ‘Taichi’.

  • res (Union[int, List[int]], optional) – The resolution of created GUI. Default is 512*512. If res is scalar, then width will be equal to height.

  • background_color (int, optional) – The background color of created GUI. Default is 0x000000.

  • show_gui (bool, optional) – Specify whether to render the GUI. Default is True.

  • fullscreen (bool, optional) – Specify whether to render the GUI in fullscreen mode. Default is False.

  • fast_gui (bool, optional) – Specify whether to use fast gui mode of Taichi. Default is False.


The created taichi GUI object.

Return type:


class Event#

Class for holding a gui event.

An event is represented by:


  • modifier (modifier keys like ctrl, shift, etc)

  • pos (mouse position)

  • key (event key)

  • delta (for holding mouse wheel)

class EventFilter(*e_filter)#

A set to store detected user events.

match(self, e)#

Check if a specified event e is among the detected events.

class WidgetValue(gui, wid)#

Class for maintaining id of gui widgets.

ALT = Alt#
BACKSPACE = BackSpace#
CAPSLOCK = Caps_Lock#
CTRL = Control#
DOWN = Down#
ESCAPE = Escape#
EXIT = WMClose#
LEFT = Left#
MOVE = Motion#
RETURN = Return#
RIGHT = Right#
SHIFT = Shift#
TAB = Tab#
UP = Up#
WHEEL = Wheel#
arrow(self, orig, direction, radius=1, color=16777215, **kwargs)#

Draws a single arrow on canvas.

  • orig (List[Number]) – The position where arrow starts. Shape must be 2.

  • direction (List[Number]) – The direction where arrow points to. Shape must be 2.

  • radius (Number, optional) – The width of arrow. Default is 1.

  • color (int, optional) – The color of arrow. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

arrow_field(self, direction, radius=1, color=16777215, bound=0.5, **kwargs)#

Draw a field of arrows on canvas.

  • direction (np.array) – The pattern and direction of the field of arrows.

  • color (Union[int, np.array], optional) – The color or colors of arrows. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

  • bound (Number, optional) – The boundary of the field. Default is 0.5.

arrows(self, orig, direction, radius=1, color=16777215, **kwargs)#

Draw a list arrows on canvas.

  • orig (numpy.array) – The positions where arrows start.

  • direction (numpy.array) – The directions where arrows point to.

  • radius (Union[Number, np.array], optional) – The width of arrows. Default is 1.

  • color (Union[int, np.array], optional) – The color or colors of arrows. Default is 0xffffff.

button(self, text, event_name=None)#

Create a button object on canvas to be manipulated with.

  • text (str) – The title of button.

  • event_name (str, optional) – The event name associated with button. Default is WidgetButton_{text}


The event name associated with created button.

circle(self, pos, color=16777215, radius=1)#

Draws a circle on canvas.

  • pos (Union[List[int], numpy.array]) – The position of the circle.

  • color (int, Optional) – The color of the circle. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

  • radius (Number, Optional) – The radius of the circle in pixel. Default is 1.

circles(self, pos, radius=1, color=16777215, palette=None, palette_indices=None)#

Draws a list of circles on canvas.

  • pos (numpy.array) – The positions of the circles.

  • radius (Union[Number, numpy.array], optional) – The radius of the circles in pixel. Can be either a number, which will be applied to all circles, or a 1D NumPy array of the same length as pos. The default is 1.

  • color (int, optional) – The color of the circles. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

  • palette (list[int], optional) – The List of colors from which to choose to draw. Default is None.

  • palette_indices (Union[list[int], ti.field, numpy.array], optional) – The List of indices that choose color from palette for each circle. Shape must match pos. Default is None.

clear(self, color=None)#

Clears the canvas with the color provided.


color (int, optional) – Specify the color to clear the canvas. Default is the background color of GUI.


Close this GUI.


>>> while gui.running:
>>>     if gui.get_event(gui.PRESS, ti.GUI.ESCAPE):
>>>         gui.close()
>>>     gui.show()
contour(self, scalar_field, normalize=False)#

Plot a contour view of a scalar field.

The input scalar_field will be converted to a Numpy array first, and then plotted by the Matplotlib colormap ‘Plasma’. Notice this method will automatically perform a bilinear interpolation on the field if the size of the field does not match with the GUI window size.

  • scalar_field (ti.field) – The scalar field being plotted.

  • normalize (bool, Optional) – Display the normalized scalar field if set to True.

  • False. (Default is) –

cook_image(self, img)#

Converts an img to range [0, 1] for display.

The input image is stored in a numpy.ndarray, if it’s dtype is int it will be rescaled and mapped into range [0, 1]. If the dtype is float it will be directly casted to 32-bit float type.

static get_bool_environ(key, default)#

Get an environment variable and cast it to bool.

  • key (str) – The environment variable key.

  • default (bool) – The default value.


The environment variable value cast to bool. If the value is not found, directly return argument ‘default’.


Returns the current position of mouse as a pair of floats in the range [0, 1] x [0, 1].

The origin of the coordinates system is located at the lower left corner, with +x direction points to the right, and +y direcntion points upward.


The current position of mouse.

get_event(self, *e_filter)#

Checks if the specified event is triggered.


*e_filter (ti.GUI.EVENT) – The specific event to be checked.


whether or not the specified event is triggered.

Return type:


get_events(self, *e_filter)#

Gets a list of events that are triggered.


*e_filter (List[ti.GUI.EVENT]) – The type of events to be filtered.


A list of events that are triggered.

Return type:



Return the window content as an numpy.ndarray.


The image data in numpy contiguous array type.

Return type:



Gets keyboard triggered event.


The keyboard triggered event.

Return type:



Check if there is any key event registered.


whether or not there is any key event registered.

Return type:


is_pressed(self, *keys)#

Checks if any key among a set of specified keys is pressed.


*keys (Union[str, List[str]]) – The keys to be listened to.


whether or not any key among the specified keys is pressed.

Return type:


label(self, text)#

Creates a label object on canvas.


text (str) – The title of label.


The created label object.

Return type:


line(self, begin, end, radius=1, color=16777215)#

Draws a single line on canvas.

  • begin (List[Number]) – The position of one end of line. Shape must be 2.

  • end (List[Number]) – The position of the other end of line. Shape must be 2.

  • radius (Number, optional) – The width of line. Default is 1.

  • color (int, optional) – The color of line. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

lines(self, begin, end, radius=1, color=16777215)#

Draw a list of lines on canvas.

  • begin (numpy.array) – The positions of one end of lines.

  • end (numpy.array) – The positions of the other end of lines.

  • radius (Union[Number, numpy.array], optional) – The width of lines. Can be either a single width or a list of width whose shape matches the shape of begin & end. Default is 1.

  • color (Union[int, numpy.array], optional) – The color or colors of lines. Can be either a single color or a list of colors whose shape matches the shape of begin & end. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

point_field(self, radius, color=16777215, bound=0.5)#

Draws a field of points on canvas.

  • radius (np.array) – The pattern and radius of the field of points.

  • color (Union[int, np.array], optional) – The color or colors of points. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

  • bound (Number, optional) – The boundary of the field. Default is 0.5.

rect(self, topleft, bottomright, radius=1, color=16777215)#

Draws a single rectangle on canvas.

  • topleft (List[Number]) – The position of the topleft corner of rectangle. Shape must be 2.

  • bottomright (List[Number]) – The position of the bottomright corner of rectangle. Shape must be 2.

  • radius (Number, optional) – The width of rectangle’s sides. Default is 1.

  • color (int, optional) – The color of rectangle. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

set_image(self, img)#

Sets an image to display on the window.

The image pixels are set from the values of img[i, j], where i indicates the horizontal coordinates (from left to right) and j the vertical coordinates (from bottom to top).

If the window size is (x, y), then img must be one of:
  • ti.field(shape=(x, y)), a gray-scale image

  • ti.field(shape=(x, y, 3)), where 3 is for (r, g, b) channels

  • ti.field(shape=(x, y, 2)), where 2 is for (r, g) channels

  • ti.Vector.field(3, shape=(x, y)) (r, g, b) channels on each component

  • ti.Vector.field(2, shape=(x, y)) (r, g) channels on each component

  • np.ndarray(shape=(x, y))

  • np.ndarray(shape=(x, y, 3))

  • np.ndarray(shape=(x, y, 2))

The data type of img must be one of:
  • uint8, range [0, 255]

  • uint16, range [0, 65535]

  • uint32, range [0, 4294967295]

  • float32, range [0, 1]

  • float64, range [0, 1]


img (Union[taichi.field, numpy.array]) – The color array representing the image to be drawn. Support greyscale, RG, RGB, and RGBA color representations. Its shape must match GUI resolution.

show(self, file=None)#

Shows the frame content in the gui window, or save the content to an image file.


file (str, optional) – output filename. The default is None, and the frame content is displayed in the gui window. If it’s a valid image filename the frame will be saved as the specified image.

slider(self, text, minimum, maximum, step=1)#

Creates a slider object on canvas to be manipulated with.

  • text (str) – The title of slider.

  • minimum (int, float) – The minimum value of slider.

  • maximum (int, float) – The maximum value of slider.

  • step (int, float) – The changing step of slider. Optional and default to 1.


The created slider object.

Return type:


text(self, content, pos, font_size=15, color=16777215)#

Draws texts on canvas.

  • content (str) – The text to be drawn on canvas.

  • pos (List[Number]) – The position where the text is to be put.

  • font_size (Number, optional) – The font size of the text.

  • color (int, optional) – The color of the text. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

triangle(self, a, b, c, color=16777215)#

Draws a single triangle on canvas.

  • a (List[Number]) – The position of the first point of triangle. Shape must be 2.

  • b (List[Number]) – The position of the second point of triangle. Shape must be 2.

  • c (List[Number]) – The position of the third point of triangle. Shape must be 2.

  • color (int, optional) – The color of the triangle. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

triangles(self, a, b, c, color=16777215)#

Draws a list of triangles on canvas.

  • a (numpy.array) – The positions of the first points of triangles.

  • b (numpy.array) – The positions of the second points of triangles.

  • c (numpy.array) – The positions of the third points of triangles.

  • color (Union[int, numpy.array], optional) – The color or colors of triangles. Can be either a single color or a list of colors whose shape matches the shape of a & b & c. Default is 0xFFFFFF.

vector_field(self, vector_field, arrow_spacing=5, color=16777215)#

Display a vector field on canvas.

  • vector_field (ti.Vector.field) – The vector field being displayed.

  • arrow_spacing (int, optional) – The spacing between vectors.

  • color (Union[int, np.array], optional) – The color of vectors.


Converts hex color format to rgb color format.


color (int) – The hex representation of color.


The rgb representation of color.


Converts rgb color format to hex color format.


c (List[int]) – The rgb representation of color.


The hex representation of color.